REFLECTIONS > tracklist
05. pokémon song best collection, 1999

Pokemon has a special place in my heart. By "special place" I mean I've played at least one version for each of the generations.
But, Pokemon music had carved itself a spot in the form of the 1999 Japanese album Pokémon Song Best Collection.
After my parents separated, but before my father moved to Japan, my brother and I spent many weekends in New York City at my father's apartment. More relevant, every drive to the city (which were typically Friday evenings) involved my father putting in this Pokémon CD and my brother and I silently sitting in the car.
We often fell asleep, or at least I'm pretty sure we often fell asleep. But I still have the voice of Team Rocket's Japanese Meowth lamenting to a sad tune.
Or the much more ridiculousness of the Japanese rapping of the original 151.

Around the same time that my father lived in NYC, I had access to one of those really old, transparent plastic, jelly color Macintoshes (we had the teal one to be exact). On it, we had excel (because, duh) and I would play with the cell coloring just because.
I really love gDrive (specifically the aspect of open-source document creation, not to mention the crowd-sourcing capabilities of it via sharing). And so using gSheets (instead of excel) was a natural step. I strange the cell sizes to create an "8-bit" look similar to the old Pokémon games that I played back in the day.

I really enjoyed diving into using colored cells to mimic pixel-art. I actually don't really know much about pixel-art but the concept of it is very interesting and it's something that I would like to dive into at some point.
I found myself pretty happy with some of the results of letterforms that I attempted to create, and I especially like how the sheet looks overall and the experience of being able to play with cell widths/heights and zoom percentages to hide/reveal certain parts of the letterform.
experiment A → scroll around!
experiment B → playing with cell widths
experiment C → playing with cell heights